Monthly Muses by Flavia – August 2019

The aftershocks of July with its retrogrades and eclipses still reverberate as we enter August. We are still feeling the retrogrades creating confusion, and the eclipses sending dramatic messages uprooting us and tearing up old structures. Anything unforeseen is possible. So the month finds us suspended and motionless but in a halo of wisdom, not taking anything for granted, but instead seeing the world from another perspective. We maybe having had to deal with a sudden turn of events, and holding space for us and others. Mercury’s shadow period will last for a couple of weeks into the month and the eclipses could be sending a second wave of messages, urging us to follow new paths and finally conclude with situations that no longer serve us. While this is going on we can only surrender serenely to events using our restrictive circumstances, or necessary pause, to gain a new point of view and drill down to the absolute fundamentals of life. Reflect and meditate on what matters to us. What are the thing we most value? Change is inevitable and this voluntary, or involuntary, suspension will help our decision making when things pick up and energetically start moving again.

But before that happens we are reminded by the Devil that we still have some work to do. And it’s work that goes inside us. It’s personal, it’s about us facing our demons, our self imposed limitations, our fears and nightmares, anything that might be an addiction. An addiction which can be substances, inter-dependency to others, negative self-talk or simply bad habits. Anything and everything poisoning our existence that we fear is larger than us becomes pronounced. This darkness in the background that naggingly won’t allow us to enjoy a fulfilling and joyful life with others and in ourselves has to be dealt with now. The Devil card reminds us that if we want to move on and out we need to face up to it – whatever it might be. We can not hide, and it won’t be to our benefit anyway. Now is the right time to face darkness and resolve personal challenges. We have to go through to go out. So that the month promises to be very active with people and things, and in a way that would benefit us and those around us. There are going to be some tough moments in August only because we absolutely need to finish off projects, personal or professional, and move on. Once this is done, there’s no turning back.

Ultimately, this will give us the World. The World which contains all the elements – fire, earth, air and water as represented by the images depicted in the four corners of a lion, an ox, an eagle and an angel – our own contribution as we create our path in life. We are not passive in the happening of the World rather we rise and participate in creating it. The Universe is with us and Luck is on our side. Work is paying off. The time has come to celebrate our accomplishments. The end of August culminates with another new moon that will find us in a totally different place to that of when we started the month. We are now encircled in garlands of success and flying up in the air with emotion and joy.

All three cards this month are heralding change in its different forms, and demanding that we pay attention in specific areas of life. First, accepting and observing, taking our time and not reacting to events. Subsequently, dealing with honesty and integrity any negative influences or obstacles that bound us to an unhealthy situation. And finally, change is coming by reaching our goal. We have achieved what we set out to do. And quite deservedly we are ecstatic about it.

To sum up: The Hanged Man teaches us about the metamorphosis which is under way and the Devil what we have to do in order to achieve our highest purpose. There is vitality and evolution with great rewards. The recurring theme of August is bondage and liberation. Breaking old patterns too. We are all evolving.
