Eclipse Wisdom by Flavia – 16 July 2019

A powerful partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn is all consuming in July. It releases old ways of doing things, dissolves outward structures and embedded situations, and takes us by surprise regardless of what we know, and how we are anticipating it. With cold Saturn sitting in Capricorn – his own home – and his mate power-player Pluto visiting, and stationing there comfortably, it’s rumoured to be a tough time. So we are reminded of love, a personal love and a universal love, taking chances, forgiving and looking after the things that really matter. Those things we value most, the people around us, our relationships and our own health are intertwined and demand prioritising. Whatever the limitations or the hurt, we will be called to rise above the mud and trust our intuition, and be willing to forgive others and ourselves. We will find peace and compassion in others. Our strength will come from keeping the channels of communication open and being present.
