Monthly Muses by Flavia – July 2019

Much anticipated July is upon us. With fear and some weariness, we are told to expect nothing less than life transformative events. Astrologers, lightworkers, intuitives and everyone striving to uplift life’s frequencies is aware of the two new moons and the two eclipses that fall in July. A full solar eclipse at the new moon on the 2 July, falls in Cancer, and it’s visible mostly in south America, especially Chile. It heralds openings and opportunities. It’s a bringer of news, events, people, situations and opening of newness with enhanced energy. A partial lunar eclipse follows on the 16 July, falls in Capricorn, and it’s visible in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. This is when things fall apart, get released, crumble, deteriorate, get expunged, go away for ever. It’s an emotional time for everyone.

But there is more: Pluto, God of power and poison, ruler of Scorpio, is waiting for us in Capricorn where the lunar eclipse action takes place. Expect this eclipse to have very strong Scorpionic vibes of merging and releasing. Pluto is stationed nearby Saturn, God of time and boundaries, and together they bring a very heavy structural energy that is consuming and overpowering. Moreover, they are retrograde. Jupiter in Sagittarius is retrograde. And so is Neptune in Pisces. These are big slow planets. Their impact is inescapable and profound. But fast moving Mercury is retrograde too, meeting Mars back and forth in his travels and taking his message with him, broadcasting it loud and clear. With Venus staying at home in Cancer, the energy feels further reactive.

So what does it all mean? This is the cosmic picture. But I think the cards will bring a bit of clarity in the visual realm: as depicted with the Nine of Wands, we find ourselves at the end of a battle. Indeed we are more than half way through the year. Things have concluded. It’s not all over yet but nearly. We are upright. We haven’t fallen, but the trauma of events, conflicts and challenges we had to overcome is visible. It’s not an open wound. It’s a carefully bundled trauma. We are looking around us, taking stock, and also looking to the past. The deep past and the immediate past is still fresh in our minds. It looms big. The wounds haven’t healed yet. Some are quite sweet, the pain reminding us of achievement in battle. The exhaustion is palpable. We still are not sure, however, what will come after the battle.

No worries. Here comes the Ace of Swords to tell us: go for it. You can do it. Opportunities and options are there for the taking. A noble cause will inspire and fortify your resolve almost immediately. From now on expect the pace to pick up. Once the debris has cleared out and the poisons have left us, there’s no looking back. Things will happen fast and unexpectedly. Anger and action that comes from the heart will dominate. Feelings, our sense of initiative, ideas, thoughts, concepts, our ability to deal with challenges comes to the forefront. Cosmic forces are within and without.

And finally, we are not going to be let down. The King of Swords brings in some objectivity to the whole situation. Not only that, but the card tells us that we have achieved mastery in at least one area of life. Where the battle was, where we fought and gave it all, that’s the area where we became masters. It’s a card denoting an intellectual significance to a situation, justice and knowledge. We are now confident that we have gained those hard fought gifts and our lives are imminently much richer and healthier, away from negativity, poisons and restrictions. Despite those outward heavy structures, ultimately all victory will have to come from us. And not only we will survive, but we will find ourselves in a much better place than we were before. The King of Swords is not just full of confidence and authority but he has mastered decision-making as well. By the end of July we should have taken important decisions to act upon.
