Monthly Muses by Flavia for March 2019

Mercurio XXXXII (42)and Rhetorica XXIII (23) jump out of the pack before we even begin our journey into the Mantegna reading. The two Gods appear so as to remind us the domination of words and communication that are the overarching influence under which events, feelings and thinking are taking place right now.  They guide the present. Mercurio in this configuraton is in perpetual movement surrounded by symbols of his power and he is the paramount healer, while Rhetorica holding a sword and looking straight at us is the warrior of truth and authenticity par excel-lance. Do not try to deceive – though we will be confused and muddled by occurrences and feelings. And what we think we want will change. But do not attempt to misguide – it will be to the detriment of those who do.

In March the power is in sacrifice and stability. But faith and desire will play their part too, and, ultimately, being in the presence of others is where our own authenticity and what we truly value will come about. Our dreams and their realization will require us a surrender to the greater forces around us and a belief that things will come through for us. The way to achieve it and how to participate in things working out, is to take practical steps. Being in the moment and being praxis, not in analysis is the advice that comes from Mantegna. And the Imperator is in support with us. The Imperator IX (9) just like Saturn in Capricorn is restrictive. He is also a heavy and serious energy with cosmic spread. As a reward, for our discipline, however, he offers us security and makes things happen. So that ideas become reality, and the ideal becomes physical. Our inspiration and creative expression are transformed into a lived experience.

And here comes Apollo to offer further oracles and truths, and magnificent dreams. Apollo is one of the most complex Gods of the ancient Greco-Roman Pantheon. His healing influence elevates us from our everyday troubles and mundane chores and ordinary existence. He is here to makes us all extraordinary, to show how we have the creative self expression within us and that we are complete. From creative self expression comes beauty as light and as un uplifting experience. So that throughout March we will have the power struggle between the heavy and slow energy of the Iperator transforming the quick, fast moving, creative, dreamy, mystical energy of the beauty of Apollo and giving it form.

The energies come together through Terpsicore, daughter of Mnemosyne. A Muse of chorus and dance she represents delight in togetherness. A reminder of our earthly powers as we find happiness in the company of others and through others. Our higher self and earthly reincarnation merge in art and love, in a collective effort and as part of a greater story. We are here and we are not alone.


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