Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 29 January 2019

The Death card from the Motherpeace Tarot brings us a striking image of recovery after the Leo full moon eclipse, which may have shaken our perception and distorted our personal vision. A skeleton lies on the ground by two birches, surrounded by autumnal yellow leaves. The clean bones are exposed to the forces of nature, reminding us of our own sensitivity to external powers which we feel we may not be able control. A snake has shed its yellow and red skin, symbolising transformation and rebirth.

The black space of the card, the infinite void, points to the possibilities of total renewal. Like a Shamanic journey to the underworld, the knowledge of something greater is being revealed. You can fill this empty space with anything you wish and more. Be ready to transform and welcome the unbelievable. After the realisation that the Death card offers us full release of the burdens we perceive as obstacles, we can welcome the imagery as a quiet solace of healing.

Becoming whole again after a difficult time requires self-awareness to forgive everything and everyone. The bones of our ancestors may have called to us momentarily during the eclipse season. Now we are ready to embrace their messages as we are starting to move slowly towards the lighter season. The imagery of the card shows us how to return to our roots, the passions we once lived for, and reminds us of the potential to resurrect these.

Meditation with the Death card

Try this meditation with the Death card and take a note of what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Death card and observe how the peaceful image of the skeleton is lying on the ground. The black colour brings the perfect ground for transformation. The shedded snake skin was suffocating and poisonous. Now it is gone. You can step out and breathe the fresh air of transformation and renewal at both soul and bodily levels. The mind is at ease after it has conquered its troubling thoughts.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you honour your deepest transformation after a very difficult time?

What kind of physical movement can you engage in to become grounded in your body?

Build an altar to your deepest dream life. Include photos and objects which represent the energy of total bliss. This physical imagery will help to manifest your wishes. Say thank you to everything that is and receive.
