Monthly Archives: January 2019

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 29 January 2019

The Death card from the Motherpeace Tarot brings us a striking image of recovery after the Leo full moon eclipse, which may have shaken our perception and distorted our personal vision. A skeleton lies on the ground by two birches, surrounded by autumnal yellow leaves. The clean bones are exposed to the forces of nature, reminding us of our own sensitivity to external powers which we feel we may not be able control. A snake has shed its yellow and red skin, symbolising transformation and rebirth.

The black space of the card, the infinite void, points to the possibilities of total renewal. Like a Shamanic journey to the underworld, the knowledge of something greater is being revealed. You can fill this empty space with anything you wish and more. Be ready to transform and welcome the unbelievable. After the realisation that the Death card offers us full release of the burdens we perceive as obstacles, we can welcome the imagery as a quiet solace of healing.

Becoming whole again after a difficult time requires self-awareness to forgive everything and everyone. The bones of our ancestors may have called to us momentarily during the eclipse season. Now we are ready to embrace their messages as we are starting to move slowly towards the lighter season. The imagery of the card shows us how to return to our roots, the passions we once lived for, and reminds us of the potential to resurrect these.

Meditation with the Death card

Try this meditation with the Death card and take a note of what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Death card and observe how the peaceful image of the skeleton is lying on the ground. The black colour brings the perfect ground for transformation. The shedded snake skin was suffocating and poisonous. Now it is gone. You can step out and breathe the fresh air of transformation and renewal at both soul and bodily levels. The mind is at ease after it has conquered its troubling thoughts.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you honour your deepest transformation after a very difficult time?

What kind of physical movement can you engage in to become grounded in your body?

Build an altar to your deepest dream life. Include photos and objects which represent the energy of total bliss. This physical imagery will help to manifest your wishes. Say thank you to everything that is and receive.


Monthly Muses by Flavia for January 2019

marziano tarot cards

We start the year under the influence and the protection of Goddess Diana. After a challenging ending to 2018, we surely need her. Beautiful, dynamic and fit, she is also skilful and able in using tools. With an arrow and bow, wearing a moon crown and a deer by her side, she’s the goddess of high and physical achievements. She represents hunting, the outdoors, earthly grounding and time. The high priest in her Roman temple was once a slave and as such she’s the guardian of all humanity, not just the privileged section of society. Associated with darkness and ruling together with her brother Apollo, she’s also aloof and mysterious. Her three faces represent wisdom and healing as the goddess of the moon, protector of childbirth, and hunting. To her left and right in our reading, we have two very powerful eights: the eight of Eagles (Swords) and the eight of Turtledoves (Clubs).

Because of the configuration of the cards we are guided to read this arrangement as a whole that is complete in itself, rather than in a chronological order of events. The symbolism of infinity in the number eight refers here to our self value and everything that is associated with our self-appreciation and authority in the world. Career, business, self-expression and a balance of self-realisation, achievements and goals are the areas influenced by this card configuration.

And Diana in this conjunction of powerful eights of air and fire is urging us to go out and after the things we value in life. It is the right time to do so. She significantly represents the moon and time. The fact that we are in deep winter in the north hemisphere is not without meaning. It is the elements of the season and our sense of belonging in the environment and everything that surrounds us that are the key to our own happiness. It is cold and everything is slowing down, seemingly closing in.

What does it all mean in practice? At the start of the year we are possibly finding ourselves in a situation where we are feeling demotivated, restricted, stagnated, even trapped by our own thoughts, and where there’s a lot of negative self talk. Diana reminds us that this is not serving us. Our conditioning and past hurts are no guiding principle for being who we really are and achieving our best. We finally want things to change. We want to step into our own authority, and we should not be afraid to take action in that direction.

The eight of Eagles represents a positive situation of movement and travel, and now we are entering a time when everything is moving fast and results will arrive quickly. Keep up with what’s going on around you, because we are going to be very busy focusing on goals and achievements. We will experience abundance with a change of perception and together with others. And through engaging with others, connecting with different cultures, we can leap forward to a better and more realised future. Don’t lose the focus. Don’t get distracted. Get moving. But stay on the ground and aim high.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 2 January 2019

tarot card the fool

The Fool in the Motherpeace Tarot shows us a child who is walking on her hands, immersed in sacred play and unaware of the potential dangers around her. She is connected to the gift of life and the spontaneity, sense of adventure and innocence of being a child. She balances a bag with her left toe, this is the Fool’s bag which contains all the Tarot cards. Opening the bag, we remember past lives and our soul’s journey. The peacock feather on the wand symbolises ancient intelligence urging a person towards truth. Thus, the card represents reincarnation, wisdom and timeless existence imbued with joy and innocence, and not regret or remorse.

Along the river bed are symbolic animals and flowers which delineate the Fool’s journey. The Griffon-Vulture of the Egyptian Goddess Maat symbolises justice. The crocodile represents danger but at the same time poses no threat as the Fool is psychically connected to it via primordial consciousness. The cat as the witches familiar is a friend and a psychic companion of the Fool.

The magic mushrooms, amanita muscarita, represent the divinatory vision of prophecy – however these are poisonous if not used with care. The lotus flower symbolises the crown chakra and our connection to the universal spirit. The Fool child is open to cosmic messages and the channeling of information from the higher realm.

In the background the card shows us pink mountains of love which are capped with the white snow of purity, this melting into the river of life, the streaming flow of thoughts. The rising sun represents the freshness of spring. New beginnings are highly supported.

The upcoming new moon and partial solar eclipse on 5 January will de-fool us and show us a way which we have thought was impossible. A new year and a new path urges us to accept revelations and leave the uncertainty of the past behind us as we march forward, into the future. By opening up to the cosmic messages we can finally realise that our path is valid in this realm.

Meditation with the Fool

Try this meditation with the Fool and observe what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Fool and note how the agile child is full of life and excited for her upcoming journey. The presence of the magic mushrooms stir up imaginative aspects of our psyche which are fuelling new ideas. The blue flowing river is guiding you to move on, in the perfect direction, aligned with your heart. The cat awakens your curiosity, the crocodile stabilises your third eye and the Griffon-Vulture refines the answers aligned with your own truth.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you restart your soul’s journey?

What fills you with peace?

Take time this week and journal about your wishes for the new year. Believe that anything is possible, no matter what the external circumstances try to show you. Listen to your inner adventurer and know there is always another way to find the balance and the purpose in your soul’s journey.
