Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 21 November 2018

the lovers tarot card

With the upcoming full moon in Gemini, this week we will look at the Lovers from the Motherpeace Tarot. In this card, a bright pink light lays the foundation on which two black Greek vases with golden imagery are placed. There are two brick walls which lead to an opening decorated with a garden trestle and a bower of roses. The Lovers themselves are shown as geometric shapes which unite in a trapezoid pattern of colours, overlaid by the black and white colours of the feminine and masculine, echoing the energies of yin and yang. A beautiful sunset creates a green and blue sky, with orange streaks bringing a sense of peace and joy. The sun is placed just above the garden trestle, resting her full body here, and bringing a sense of relief.

The card represents the deep love of two persons who know they are meant for each other. It is the falling in love of the mind, body and soul. The card shows us the ultimate feeling of satisfaction of kindred spirits, a meeting where karmic bonds have been worked through and the love flows easily. This is an important card which appears when a person is ready to receive love from the ultimate fountain of passion and joy.

Synchronised with the full moon in Gemini, the message from the Lovers urges us to look deeper within ourselves, to dive in and through the space where we can safely reveal those desires of love which we never thought we deserved. This is a safe time to nurture the passionate dreams of meeting the person who you feel completely at ease with. You can enjoy a fruitful relationship which is both intellectual and physical, embodying all the aspects of love which you thought were lost to you.


Meditation with the Lovers

Try this meditation with the Lovers and observe what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the Lovers and note how the geometric figures and bright colours are balanced and interspersed with each other.  Observe how the sun is shining through the roses, bringing light to our soul. The golden figures on the vases are releasing and uniting different parts of ourselves.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

What are the deeper aspects of love?

How do you receive love unconditionally?


Create your love altar and meditate by this once day. Be open to the magnetic call of your love companion in this life time.

