Monthly Muses by Flavia for October 2018

tarot cards

Thunder and lightning, judgement and truth. When Jupiter is upon us we can expect gifts and rewards. The generous outcome of work on earlier projects, the materialisation of dreams, the expansion of wealth, and even a bit of luck. We are moving from experts to authority, and everything is on grand scale. The transition to the new season has arrived with a bang. The God of truth is looking at the future and we can no longer hide or pretend. With the harvest on full mode this is the time when our efforts will reveal the fruits we can gather. And in fact we are moving ahead and beyond harvest trying to make sense of accomplishments and events. The outside world is our home. Jupiter will shed light on what needs throwing away to make space for a healthier and more productive future, as we continue gathering, assessing and reorganising.

Happiness is important too, however, as the season changes we are looking at our past with longing‎ and nostalgia. As we move into darker days and colder nights, we reminiscence of warm days filled with the sweet smell of flowers and the sounds of birds, ducklings and baby swans. We imagine ourselves in picturesque dwellings, and fairytale scenarios. We will drift to thinking about homely environments, children and innocent love of the type that is unequivocal, reciprocal and unconditional. No doubt under the influence of Jupiter with his grandstanding, and the Six of Doves with their nostalgic idealism, we will be prone to romanticising and overdramatising, overconfidence and overindulgence is more than likely to show up. Perhaps even some laziness and delusional thinking. The cards are happy and optimistic but there lies their trap.

When life goes that way, there’s no point trying to rationalise and fake unreal emotions. Our senses and our intuition will carry us forward. After an active and intense summer there’s no need to spend too much energy. Calm beauty and holding on to a bit of mystery will go a long way now. We are starting to go inside ourselves while at the same time we connect with others and become receptive to their needs. The past is there to give us strength for the future. There’s no turning back. However, there’s only one way to go. We have come out in the world and we’re collaborating at work and committing in relationships with others. We are much more mature and sensitive to the forces around us. The Queen of Cups, or the Queen of Phoenixes as in this deck, is full of love and compassion. Her lesson? Kindness will win the day.
