Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 11 September 2018

ace of swords

Fresh out of the Virgo new moon’s earthy vibrations, this week we will journey with the Ace of Swords.  In the Motherpeace Tarot, a beautiful red and purple butterfly is flying in front of a hand which is holding a sword.  A meditative woman sits with her eyes closed in a yogic pose, with her hands resting on the crescent moon, the centre of her body aligned with the sword. This image represents focus, an intellectual idea which surfaces once we feel connected to our highest good and which will bring us peace. The Ace of Swords reminds us to re-build our body of light so that we can transcend stuckness and tells us to rely on our gift of inner vision and clairvoyance. The sword, held in the right hand, points upward, and affirms the positive outcome to an idea.

This card promises a new start, and arrives as a confirmation that your ideas are valid. You can now strategise and move forward. Use your intellect and remember to align your thoughts with your body as you proceed  with your plan. Blessed with the gift of the sight, you can achieve all you have set out to do.

Lemon Chrysoprase brings joy and a renewed sense of optimism. It is also ideal for meditation and focusing on new ideas. It helps the mind to settle by sieving away busy thoughts and provides a clear vision of joy.


The Ace of Swords Meditation

Try this meditation with the Ace of Swords and note what the card wants to tell you.

Sit down in a quiet space and place your hands on your heart.

Focus on the image of the Ace of Swords and take a few deep breaths.

Observe how the woman is at peace, her body seems weightless as she is in deep meditation. The butterfly is flying into and out of her realm, bringing transformation and joy.  The success of her idea, the sword, shines a golden light, rays extending outwards and aligning with the woman’s wisdom.


Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What ideas are you afraid to try out?

How can you release your fear and become your own wise woman?


Stay quiet, and let the Ace of Swords light your thoughts, see yourself shine and accept your wisdom.

