Flavia’s Monthly Muses for September 2018

three tarot cards

September arrives in a sombre mood. The Mantegna deck is back in full force with Theology, the Emperor, and the Artisan. Moreover, as the Theology card indicates larger forces take prime position. However, the stage is set for a resolution. This card is a call to be humble, accepting and to keep the faith. Have the belief that things will go according to plan. It’s a call to release and surrender. Theology as a discipline is a discussion concerning deity. It begins with the assumption that the divine exists in some form. And Theology is not a fatalistic or a pessimistic card in any way but a way of understanding experiences and concepts; interpreting real life. On the contrary, as it happens with September, we are all thinking about harvest in its real and in its symbolic meaning. An indication that we have done all the work. Mentally, we can let go of worry. Rewards are to be expected. They relate directly to our own authenticity. We enter the season of completion. It’s been a long and intense summer. Yet, it’s not over. Now collecting is starting. Throughout September things, events, people are coming to us. We have to be strong in ourselves because it’s not all going to be as we at first thought – for sure. A larger than us plan is materialising. Harvest is going to be long and busy.

Clearly this is better defined by the next card – which is in many ways a controversial one. One that is so expansive and full of contradictions and conflicting views that this short blog does not allow us to develop. But, here’s the thing: an overtly patriarchic card, The Emperor, dominates present time. It asks the question, could it be a definition of self, a situation, a male figure or an approach? Will a teacher, a friend or artist, dominate and influence our decision making process? Is this the time of the year when organising and planning takes all? Are we perhaps obsessing with alphabetising our collection of objects, and building a structure with hierarchical method of prioritising our business? This is a card that asserts authority whatever the right answer. It’s about conformity, protection and systems organised in order to retain maximum control. It’s a power card. And it’s about change. Inevitable change that will put us on a path of growth and advancement as events, themes or ideas initiated in the summer (and even much before then) materialise into concrete projects, relationships and things, financial viability and stability. Absolute confidence and demanding focus will take us straight to our goals. It’s not easy but it can be fun, though to be sure logic will prevail. We will enjoy the self confidence and assertiveness associated with the Emperor card as we forge ahead with concrete actions towards tangible results.

We already had a spiritual card, Theology, and a card of logic, The Emperor. Finally, The Artisan comes to complete the picture, contextualising through a materialistic and pragmatic approach. It is technical skills and our ability to work through these situations as they have developed and are unravelling that ultimately will bring about a resolution. Keep the faith, be logical and use your skills. One last point to make: these are all esoteric, highly personal, individualistic cards. Even if you want others to succeed, you’ll have to take care of the self first. September is building up this way. The focus is on the singular person. The winds of change are blowing. But protection and success, will come through leadership and authority. Technical skills will embed the outcome.
