Monthly Archives: July 2018


With a full moon in Capricorn just gone, representing father influence, and a new moon upon us, powering in mother ‎realm, this is the time to think of home. Liberally paraphrasing ancient Greek here. They asserted that for any distinguished person, home is where their person is. Now we adopt this thinking. As we distinguish ourselves and grow through summer months, home is where the heart is. Where we feel at home, where we are, where we excel. This is home. Let’s celebrate and enjoy home, heart and family. But don’t just go indoors yet. We’re still in growing season. There’s fruit to pick.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol-20 July 2018

The Three of Wands shows us a mother and her two children in front of a wall painted with animals and a female figure holding a crescent moon. The mother carries a flaming wand, a light source of fire, and shows her children to paint with freedom and to express their creativity without fear. Placing their hands on the wall and leaving marks, the children express happiness and the wonder of creation. The card signifies communication and the joy of self-expression and that by manifesting ideas, we learn about life. By painting our own walls, not as a shield to continuously protect us, but as an expression of our dreams and desires, we can create trust and explore the world as a colourful canvas.

With the four current retrogrades in mind, Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto and the fifth, Mercury starting 26 July, the Three of Wands can assist us in retrieving our creative drive and focus on that which is important. Each of the planets emphasise parts of us which need healing. Mars focusing on our drive and determination, Saturn on structure and discipline, Neptune on dreams and healing, Pluto on power and transformation and Mercury on the mind and communication.  What is missing in your life and needs attention? Working with the qualities of the planets we can balance the lack, or equally the excess within us.


Three of Wands Meditation

Try this meditation with the Three of Wands and listen to what the card is whispering to you.

Sit down in a quiet space.

Focus on the image of Three of Wands and take a few deep breaths.

Observe how the mother is teaching her children to create and to explore their ideas and imagination. She is guiding them through a creative process without any limits.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

Which one of the planetary qualities within you is asking for attention?

Which one do you want to explore more?


Explore new options as you continue to heal. Do not force the progress but instead stay alert and resting at the same time. Create your own canvas as you ground your ideas for the coming months.




Retrograde dates to note:

Mars, 26 June to 27 August

Saturn, 17 April to 6 September

Neptune, 18 June to 24 November

Pluto, 22 April to 30 September

Mercury, 26 July to 19 August


Yellow hawkbits, empower your solar chakra and flow with the summer’s warmth.  When nature brings you a message, take this to your heart and follow the path to your soul’s light.


Saint Raphael New Moon Healing by Flavia – 12 July 2018

Take it easy and slow down. We’ve all been overdoing it a bit and perhaps pushing a bit too hard. ‎Let’s calm down. It’s time to keep some distance. Things will sort themselves out by themselves. We’ve done all we can for the time being. More interesting things will follow. We don’t need to push for them. Relax and breath. Everything is being taken care of.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 9 July 2018

The Magician steps forward as our guide this week. Her gift is to masterfully balance the elements in the Tarot. She commands the fire, pours the water, expels the earth and charges the air. In her ecstatic dance she can transform substances and create new ones, by doing so, she ensures that you become fulfilled on all levels. She wears animal skin in order to identify magically with its’ essence and to embody its’ power. In her role as a mediator between two worlds, the inner spiritual heaven and the outer physical earth, she is responsible to herself and the larger organism, the world. The Magician is looking at The Sphinx, the physical merging of the animal and human forms, who holds ancestral secrets.

What can The Magician teach us? Her advice is corresponding with Jupiter turning direct Tuesday 10 July after being retrograde since 8 March. Jupiter’s gift through Scorpio magnifies the secretive layers which we desire from the depths of our souls. This synchronises with The Magician who encourages us to rejoice with Jupiter by shaking off our old skin and instead employing elemental manifestation to reset and focus on that which is truly important. Her shamanic dance conveys a message of freedom by committing to yourself and your inner vision. By withdrawing from the negativity of those who drag you down, you can speak your truth and you will be heard. Cleanse your aura and step out of your comfort zone now and be ready to shine.


The Magician’s message

Try this meditation with The Magician and listen to what she has to say to you.


Sit down in a quiet space.

Focus on the image of The Magician and take a few deep breaths.

Observe her initiation to the sacred self by commanding the elements and dancing her divine power into being through the embodiment of her animal ally.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.


After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

In what role have you stagnated?

What can you do to free yourself from your old skin?


Dance like The Magician and sense how you gradually shake off the the residues of any imposed past identities. Welcome Jupiter’s direct movement with a toast of abundance and don’t be afraid of the area where the Scorpio’s wisdom lights your destiny.




Ps. If you want to find out where Jupiter falls in your astrological chart, please use the free chart drawing at


Rejoice for mid summer is here. With a full moon in father figure Capricorn and new moon in the feminine power of Cancer think of trees, and think of water. Don’t forget to spend time out doors. ‎Stay near trees for support and growth. Near water to cleanse away what doesn’t serve us any more, and near water to bring in fresh new beginnings. The sky is amplified in the reflection.
