Flavia’s Monthly Muses for June 2018



June is speeding through with all the power that went into spring during the new moon in Aries on 16 April. The need for rest of early April was swapped for the desire to succeed as the month moved on. By now in mid June we are all spinning out of control balancing the additional plates that joined us in May and the others sitting quietly in the back burner since January. But there’s no time to stop. Nor do we want to drop any of them. Plans and past projects, people and situations are developing urgency at an even faster pace. And it’s not high summer yet.

So the energies are moving fast. But what does it all mean for us? How are we placed in these happenings? And what is the best way to deal with it, and make the most of our selves and our situation?

So the answer to our many questions came quick and unequivocal with the presence of Terpsicore. Don’t ask any questions. Just join in. This is our immediate environment.

Terpsicore is one of the nine Muses in Graeco-Roman mythology and part of the ancient Greek Pantheon. She represents happiness in dance and choral song. Therefore she reminds us about the joy in group activities and being part of others’ lives. So keep going. Don’t think about it. Enjoy it. The way to know the other is being part of the other. Moreover, we will never understand something unless we try it ourselves. This is the lesson Terpsicore is teaching. So this card is really an invitation and an encouragement to participate in everything that life has to offer and this is the time to do it.

This is how we come to the second card. It’s Venus. An acceleration of events will be inevitable. But it’s all positive. When the Roman Goddess Venus arrives we know it’s unashamedly all about earthly pleasures and material goods. Of course we’re all familiar in some way with Venus. But one aspect of Venus to think about here is that she normally is either holding a purse or she’s surrounded by water. Her association with the elements, is an association with wealth. When she appears, this is the time to make the most of all the gifts of life. Beauty, aesthetic, goodness, luxury, elegant objects, money, eroticism and some frivolity will be the order of the day throughout June. And we shouldn’t even think about resisting. ‎Holding back is not an option while so much activity is happening all around. The best course of action would be to immerse ourselves in the productive flow of people and things. Both cards are pointing in the direction of love and family affection, and health and spiritual life. For those who want to focus on improving their physical condition, emotional health and general state of being, June is turning out to be a massive ally

By the end of June a much sombre‎ mood is upon us with pensive Muse Polymnia. June will conclude with the urge to start taking stock of our situation. Polymnia represents dance and religious hymns, sacred poetry and agriculture. Keep in mind that the Muses’ father is ancient Greek god father of all gods Zeus (Giove in Latin)‎ and their mother is Mnemosini. Zeus represents justice. Menemosini represents memory. And Polymnia is especially connected to memory and justice herself. ‎She appears in Dante’s Divine Comedy in Paradise where she is blessing past achievements with her particular world music. Our work and efforts will be praised. Polymnia, just as she’s portraited in Dante’s Paradise, represents recognition. Reward for our skills is on the way and it can go high and wide. With it there is responsibility which means that this card is suggestive of events that go far into the future. Polymnia wears a loose veil or mantle wrapped around her body. Her hair is elaborately tied at the back. Things are hidden and secrets are alluded in her posture. Beyond the month’s end and in a much more serious note, we will feel the effects of this June in unexpected ways. A reminder that harvest is on the way. Mystery too. And a whole new mood will follow. 
