Full Moon in Virgo 9 March 2020 – by Flavia

I wasn’t born yesterday – that is the message of this full moon. In methodical, organized, health conscious, even if rather anxious and discerning Virgo, we will get through the challenges by our own hard work and personal commitment. The energies guiding us are those of wisdom, and embodied knowledge through repetition, experience and study. The card of the Wise One is loaded with symbolism telling us to grow within our current situation.

On March 9th, we are having a Full Super Moon in Virgo, 19 degrees and 37 minutes, at 5:47pm UK time. It is a time for culmination, revelation and completion. But what are the energies affecting this powerful moment? The Super Full Moon, rules our emotions, and represents events and happenings on the earth and on our bodies. With the full moon in Virgo our daily routines and duties are illuminated. Anything that falls short shall be noticed and noted. Our physical health is of paramount importance and should be taken care of. At this time Mercurial dominance is continuing and not abating while we are trying to work out how to deal with everything. We are being meticulous and precise. For a start Mercury is the ruler of Virgo, making him a potent influence. And during the time of the full moon he is particularly strong as he stations direct and starts to move forward, in 28 degrees Aquarius, bringing along original thinking and extraordinary ideas. We will be propelled to apply cerebral solutions to practical problems. As Mercury travels back and forth between Pisces and Aquarius, he overshadows everything. We are at the throws of rethinking and reorganizing.

Decision making is foggy in Pisces, but it gathers momentum as Mercury goes back to Aquarius, and brings form to ideas through a series of three trines. The Moon in Virgo tring three power planets in Capricorn, which are Mars, Jupiter and Pluto. They bring breadth and depth, as well as direction and self-knowledge to anything we are undertaking to achieve right now. The Wise One is aligned with those planetary energies and sees to it that we manage to realise an authentic reality for ourselves. Opposite the Moon in Virgo stands the Sun in conjunction to Neptune in Pisces. So all that mystical, atmospheric Piscean quality is unbounded dreams and imagination that are now channelled through. Empowered by Neptune and brought forward by the Sun.

The Wise One is indeed pictured in the dark, but illuminated and ethereal. She has a translucent quality. A feather in her hair points to her shamanic character. The owl that sits majestically and serene on her shoulder is reference to her strategic thinking and planning that benefits from the ability to see in the dark. The raven, an unrivalled genius of problem solving, tells us, we’ve been there before and once again we shall overcome all challenges. And yet it is not all mind games. The Wise One has age on her side and physicality too. She is wrapped in a craft cloak made of organic material. Her hair is loose and flowing. And so a Venusian theme emerges as well. Venus is by now in Taurus, her own domicile, where she’s feeling warm and secure to enjoy uninterrupted the pleasures of life; love, wealth, comfort, beautiful aromas and delicious tastes in everything she gets involved with. Cruising through Taurus she can get what she wants by attraction. But just after the full moon perfects she goes into conjunction with Uranus. So there is interruption in some form or another. And the desire for freedom. Harmony will be broken. Values of love and beauty will be challenged. Expect the unexpected. All those topics she rules over will be electrified in search for independence, by a very cerebral and unpredictable Uranus striking from afar, contradicting Taurean calm, loyalty and steady idiosyncrasy.

Ultimately, the Super Full Moon in Virgo will reveal an intuitive shamanic aspect in us all that will lead to dynamic events and approaches to problem solving. We are guided by the Wise One to be committed, reliable, open to wisdom and learning, and keep with it. Our power is in our capacity to continue doing what we are doing without becoming overwhelmed, distracted or dissolved in the process. Duty will keep our energies channelled. Duty towards ourselves and our wellbeing takes centre stage and love takes a physical, practical expression. By the next full moon we are going to be more confident and will have grown stronger within our true selves to go after new goals from new perspectives.
