Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 10 August 2018

In the Judgement card, the rainbow colours of peace flow from the heart centre of…

Flavia’s Monthly Muses for August 2018

  Carnal desires and passions will flare up in August. Irrationality will rage. Temperaments are…


We are in August when more is more. Everything is bigger and brighter. Forget about…

The tree

Shading under the tree, the summer sun is still heating us up. Be kind to…


With a full moon in Capricorn just gone, representing father influence, and a new moon…

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol-20 July 2018

The Three of Wands shows us a mother and her two children in front of…


Yellow hawkbits, empower your solar chakra and flow with the summer’s warmth.  When nature brings…

Saint Raphael New Moon Healing by Flavia – 12 July 2018

Take it easy and slow down. We’ve all been overdoing it a bit and perhaps…

Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 9 July 2018

The Magician steps forward as our guide this week. Her gift is to masterfully balance…